Τρίτη 6 Δεκεμβρίου 2011

In a rush

Along school , English and French lessons I am trying to paint our new minis... Currently I am painting the elves of my brother.
For the Galadhrim we use the shceme of the Guardians of the White Lady as it is shown at the Battlehosts book. Have already paint the cloaks and the main armour as well as Haldir's gold armour and red cloak.
Along I have also painted Legolas main clothes and the horse of Glorfindel expect the hair.

48 Galadhrim elves 28%
Legolas 18%
Glorfindel 15%
Haldir 25%
2xBoromir 0%
Halbarad 0%
Gimli 0%
20 Rangers 0%
24 Minas tirith warriors 0%

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