Τρίτη 27 Δεκεμβρίου 2011

Take the castle version 4

So today me and my brother started playing take the castle version 4...
This time I took the evil side... We got ready the castle again...

He had 825 points inside his castle while the rest would came as reinforcements...
The forces of the Castle pass:
Legolas with armour
Boromir of the white tower with shield
Frodo with sting and mithril
Galadriel with mirror
8 Wood evles with elven blades and throwing daggers
8 Wood elves with spears and throwing daggers
8 Wood elves with elven bows
16 Galadhrim with elven blades
16 Galadhrim with spears and shields
16 Galadhrim with elven bows
16 Minas tirith warriors with swords and shields
16 Minas tirith warriors with spears and shields
8 Minas tirith warriors with bows
8 Citadel guards with longbows
The grey company 375p.
3 Rangers of the north
3 Rangers of the north with spears
16 Rangers of Gondor
4 Rangers of Gondor with spears
The riders 300p.
Glorfindel with Asfaloth
Faramir with ehavy armour and horse
6 Knights of Minas tirith with shields
165 warriors

I had 2000 points of evil force outside:
Witch King max with morgul blade
Dark marshal with armoured horse
Ringwraith max with horse
6 Ringwraiths max
Uruk-hai captain with heavy armour
2 Orc captains with shields
Easterling captain with halberd
Uruk-hai with banner
4 Uruk-hai Berserkers
10 Uruk-hai with shields
10 Uruk-hai with pikes
8 Uruk-hai scouts with shields
8 Uruk-hai scouts
8 Uruk-hai scouts with orc bows
Easterling with banner
8 Easterlings with swords and shields
4 Easterlings with bows
8 Easterlings with shields and spears
5 Easterling Kataphrakts
12 Haradhrim with spears
9 Haradhrim with bows
Haradhrim raider with banner
4 Haradhrim raiders with spears and bows
3 Haradhrim raiders with bows
Orc with banner
7 Orcs with shields
11 Orcs with spears
5 Orcs with two-handed weapons
7 Orcs with orc bows
Warg rider with shield
2 Warg riders with spears
2 Warg riders with spears
7 Goblins with shields
8 Goblins with spears
8 Goblins with bows
Mordor troll
Cave troll
197 warriors but break at 107

The game ends at turn 30 and the winner is the one with most points...
+1 point if you kill an enemy hero
+2 points for who has more models outside the castle
+3 points for who has more models on each wall
+5 points for who has more models onsode the castle

My brother put all his Galadhrim archers at the right wall along 8 Galadhrim warriors with elven blades, 6 Minas tirith archers and one Citadel guard archer all led by Haldir. At the left wall he placed all the Wood elves and the rest Minas tirith and Citadel guard archers led by Legolas and Gimli. Between the walls of the gate he placed the rest Galadhrim and all the warriors of Mians tirith with Boromir between them. Behind the right wall was Galadriel with her mirror and the four hobbits.

I divided my army to nine forces each led by a Nazgul. To the north the goblins along Grishnakh and the cave troll. Behind them were my mounted Nazgul along the warg riders.After were the Uruk-hai with the berserkers and Saruman.Then the Uruk-hai scouts along Lurtz and Vrasku. Next were the easterlings. Behind them was the Dark Marshal with the Kataphrakts.  They were followed by the orcs with the troll in the very front. More south was the Witch king along the hardhrim. Last were the Haradhrim raiders ebhind their infatry.
Turn 1
My brother took priority but didn't move anything. I moved my whole force... The goblins went ahaead while the Uruk-hai scouts come in front of the normal warriors. The rest infatry moved normaly. The riders marched to the south and grouped in a line as I was planning to send them to attack the first reinforcements of my brother, the grey company at turn 8. My brother sent 45 arrows against me and he killed a goblin, five haradhrim and my Uruk-hai banner.

Turn 2
My brother took priority again. My easterlign were heading for the gate while the orcs and the Haradhrim for the wall. On the back my cavalry got more organised while the Uruk-hai scouts were moving by the side of the goblins. The Uruk-hai expect the berserkers were going to the gate while the goblins would get on the walls. My brother again killed 7 warriors. Two orcs, three haradhrim and two uruk-hai scouts.

Turn 3
My cavalry got fully organised. My warriors marched further and my archers were ready to shoot for the first time. Maybe not all but at least the Easterling the Haradhrim and the goblins could.
The troll arrived at the gate. But then by 17 arrows it got mortally wounded and died. Along the troll fell four Uruk-hai scouts and one Easterling. I managed to kill my brother's first warrior... A Wood elf archer.

Turn 4
My brother took priority again althought it didn't mean anything for the move phase. To destroy quick the gate I put one of my Nazgul, the leader of the orcs to throw black darts, for exact 11 until the gate broke.

My forces of course moved on. The three remaining Haradhrims along my orcs were in the shadow of the right wall. The easterlings arrived before the gate.The goblins were near the hil slowly moving towards the left wall. I also moved forward my cavalry to get more near to the cliff from where the reinforcements would come. My brother killed two orcs and two goblins while I managed to fire with all my infatry killing two Wood elves and three Galadhrim elves.

 Turn 5
For the first time I got priority. I moved my cavalry as usual. My forces arrive before the walls ready to climb on the next turn. The easterlings got into the castle's pre-road and were attacked by the first Minas tirith warriors. This turn my arachers did a great job killing 13 enemies in total including 3 Wood ,one Citadel guard and 9 Galadhrim elves. My brother managed to shoot down only two goblins and an easterling. I won two of the three fights and I made the first close combat kill.

Turn 6
My brother got priority again and moved to the Easterlings... My warriors marched on the walls... The Haradhrims and the orcs at the right and the goblins at the left wall. The arrows of my brother killed one Berserker and one Easterling. I managed to kill with mine arrows four Wood elves, three Citadel guard archers and two Galadhrim elves. The fights didn't went well, half of my goblins on the wall died. On the right wall I managed to kill one Galadhrim warrior but two orcs and a Haradhrim got killed. In the middle I manage to kill another Minas tirith warrior.

Turn 7
My brother got priority.The situation was the same... The invaders of the wall were in a hard place.
My brother killed another Berserker again, with Legolas and between the walls the archers of Minas tirith along the citadel guards managed to kill two more Easterlings. In return I shoot down two Wood elves and one Minas tirith archer. Again I suffered heavy loses in battle. One Haradhrim and four orcs died but I also killed two Galadhrim elves.The last goblins were killed.

Turn 8
Again my brother got priority. The grey comany little by little would join the battle. He placed his first rangers but as they couldn't move Saruman blasted them... My cavalry was heading towards them to fight.
My main forces just marched to push the defenders at the pre-road. At the right wall the situation was really bad for the attackers and on the left my brother started moving wood elves to sent them down along the rest warriors. With arrows I killed only one wood elf and my brother an Uruk-hai. On the right wall I managed to kill two Galadhrim warriors and my brother one orc.

Turn 9
I got priority( two of nine times!!!) and send my second wave of orcs at the right wall. Tha banner would help me at the pre-road and also Boromir was near. The rangers got down and my first Kataphrakt charged with the rest near. I fired and killed three wood elves while my brother killed one Berserker and an Easterling with his arrows. I killed the first ranger and another Galadhrim on the wall. In return the elves killed two orcs and one Easterling was killed in the pre-road.

 Turn 10
My brother got priority and my orcs continue to push the elves. I tried to do whatever I could at the pre-road. The cavalry approached the ranegrs while Halabarad and most of the rangers of the north joined the battle. The last orcs not on the wall got charged. I shoot down three Wood elves and two Minas tirith archers. My brother managed to kill my Easterling banenr bearer along the last berserker, one Uruk-hai and one scout. In the pre-road I killed one Minas tirith warrior while my brother an Easterling. Similar on the wall I killed on Galadhrim elf and my brother an orc.

Turn 11
I used the palantir to get priority.The riders attacked the rangers to kill them. I was almost pushed out of the pre-road. On the right wall my orcs managed to arrive Haldir and charge him. My arrow killed two citadel guards and my brother killed one scout. My riders killed 3 rangers but the Haradhrim banner got killed. Along the ranger killed an orc. The last elves on the wall died by my orcs. On the pre-road again one Minas tirith warrior got killed as did one Easterling.

Turn 12 
Luckily I got priority again. I charged as much as I could the rangers. My archers got grouped while I moved my Haradhrim and my warg riders to the east to prepare for mt brother's cavalry reinforcements. Boromir arrived my lines and to win time I sent the captain against him. Haldir alone was attacked. My brother's archers killed two Uruk-hai while my bows wounded a citadel guard and three Minas tirith archers. My cavalry killed two rangers. Saruman also killed one Ranger of the north.

Turn 13
I got priority and charged the rangers with my riders. The orcs attacked Haldir and pushed also the archers. At the pre-road the warriors were going back and forth. My riders continue marching towards the hill.
My bows killed one wood elf a Minas tirith archer and finally killed Legolas while I lost an Uruk-hai. On the wall I manage to kill one Minas tirith warrior but Haldir finished my one orc captain along another orc. My riders killed one ranger.

Turn 14
I got priority again. All the rangers ahve joined the battle and my riders fought as best as they could. For turns now I have sent my Nazgul because I am near break to hold the warriors with stand fast. My archers grouped and started marching to get on the wall. The same did the goblins archers and the Uruk-hai scouts. Boromir was the biggest promblem at the pre-road. Haldir and his archers got circled. My brother let only one wood elf on the left wall. my riders killed two rangers althought they killed one orc. My orcs Killed one archer. On the pre-road  Boromir killed my captain.

Turn 15
Our forces were both broken. My brother got priority but thanks to the heroes no one left. M brought up his riders and I charged two of them with the rest cavalry behind.The rangers were on a bad situation but did everything they could. The archers were near the walls. On the pre-road Boromir was the main problem. My orc captain on the wall was the only one hero to fail his courage test and left leading to the left of a Haradhrim and two orcs leaving me in danger on the wall.
 At the pre-road one easterling got killed as did one Minas tirith warrior. The rangers killed two orcs while one of them died.

So that's the end of part 1...
Me +2 for killing two heroes, +3 for more warriors on the right wall, +2 for more warriors outside the castle
Brother +3 for killing three heroes,+3 for more warriors on the left wall,+ 5 for more warriors inside the castle.
Me 7- Brother 11

To be continued...

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