Παρασκευή 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2011

Middle earth in Flames part 2

Day 2
Turn 4
Priority:Evil men-Gondor-Isengard-Elves
Evil me doubled their treasure arriving at 600. Their armies took Minas morgul and then Cair Andros which was unprotected. Gondor took 200 points but was on a really bad situation. Her armies moved to east and west.Isengard took only 100 points. One army moved into Fangorn while the other two marched outside Helm's deep. The elves collected +300 points arriving 700 and put 500 of them at Helm's deep which was unprotected. One army moved toward Rauros while their Fangorn army met the Isengard one.
I played my brother's evil force.
I had 500 point army against an 700 point army.
I took an Uruk-hai captain with heavy armour, 8 scouts with bows, 20 warriors, 10 with pikes and 10 with shields. 10 Orc with spears, 4 berserkers and Vrasku.
My brother took 24 wood elves and 33 Galadhrim warriors( 12 with blades, 10 with spears and 11 with bows) lead by Legolas and Haldir.

Turn 1
We started and just moved. My bows managed to kill three Galadhrim archers while my brother's one managed to kill two of mine Uruk-hai scouts archers.
Turn 2
The movement went up and the bows just killed two elves, archers again while my brother killed two archers of mine plus an Uruk-hai with shield, a berserker and an orc spearman.
Turn 3
My brother got priority for first time and he attacked me. With arrow I killed two galadhrim and one wood elf. He just killed another Berserker. In fight I killed one Galadhrim and five wood elves!!! While he only one Uruk-hai. Even with less point I would do everything I could.
Turn 4
I got priority. The fights went on. The arrows killed Vrasku and an Uruk-hai.  In fights I killed three  Galadhrim elves while I lost three Uruk-hai and a Berserker.

 Turn 5
I got priority. The alst turn in which I break. Two archers fell by arrows and while I managed to kill three enemies two uruk-hai along an orc fell I break. I manage to kill 20/30 of the warriors needed to win.

End of battle

Turn 5
Priority: Gondor-Evil men- Isengard-Elves
Gondor got 100 points and created an army to protect Minas tirith. The east army moved to take Ithilien whiel the other one took river Gilrain. The evil men wnt 1000 points in total. They created a 700 points army at Dead marshes while one army moved outside Minas tirith. The other one wasn't able to get out of Mordor. Isengard took only 100 points. My brother moved his 300 points army instead of the 500 one to fight the 500 elven force at Helm's deep. The other army went north trying to save Misty mountains. The elves surprisingly just took 100 points.
So Helm's deep, castle battle, until the end:
I took a captain with heavy armour, 10 Uruk-hai with shields, 8 scouts with shields and 8 Uruk-hai with pikes. My brother would win easily of course again. He took again Legolas, Haldir, all the wood elves, along 11 Galadhrim warriors( four blades, four spears and shields, three bows)/ So 27 versus 37 in a castle.

 Turn 1
Just moved and got shooted. y captain died because of Legolas and Haldir along two Uruk-hai with shields.
Turn 2
My brother got priority this time.
Very same as last turn.Only one Uruk-hai with shields fell.
Turn 3
Arrived at the wall. From arrows died another Uruk-hai with shield. In fight one Uruk-hai with shields got killed while I killed two wood elves. i would lose of course but I would kill as many as I could.
Turn 4
From arrows died one Uruk-hai with shield while in battles I dominated killing 5 Wood elves bringin the difference at 10 models again.
Turn 5
The elves shot down one Uruk-hai with pike. In battle died two wood elves and two uruk-hai. One with shield and one with pike.
Turn 6
Mt brother gt priority as for the whole game we wnt me-him expect the last turn.
Two arrows killed one scouts and one pikeman.  In battle I killed one wood elf and one Galadhrim. The elves killed another scouts and another pike.
Turn 7
I was broken. Three warriors left, two scouts and one with shields.
Byy arrows fell two Uruk-hai with pikes while in fight the last Uruk-hai with pike and two Uruk-hai with shields. At least I killed another wood elves.
Turn 8
 Warriors remaining before one leaves(Uruk-hai shields from fear.) They fought bravely and while no one got killed they manage to kill an wood elf.
Turn 9
Only one warriors remained and he atatcked a wood elf archers(the one with the huge base.) Haldir shoot two arrows, the one hitted the uruk and the other one his friend. Both died. So I lost but I manage to kill 15 enemies, aound the 4/10 of a bigger force that also had a castle. Not so bad.

Isengard lost another army. And here is how the map is by the end of turn 5.

1st Elves 6
2nd Evil men 5
3rd-4th Gondor and Isengard 3
Is clear that isengard and Gondor are in a real bad situation while Evil emn rises taking advantage of the elves trying to find out strategic points at difficult-terrain areas.
Here is how Middle earth looks like now:

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