So today me and my brother started the Lotr campang Middle-earth in flames. Instead of Mordor we used evil men and instead of Rohan elves. Evil men can have also orcs and Ringwraiths. I took Gondor and the evil men while my brother Isengard and Elves. We used the special rules who gives each faction an advntage
Each faction starts with two 500 points armies, one in the capital and one around the capital in the fields.
Turn 1:
Priority: Elves-Evil men-Isengard-Gondor
Each faction got 100 points in their treasure total. The elves got Helm's deep and both armeis went north taking under control West Emnet, The evil men weren't too lucky, one army moved toward Minas morgul while the other towards Barad-dur. As for Isengard one army passed north between the mountains while the other took the Gap of Rohan. Last Gondor one of Gondor's army went up towards Cair andros while the other went south taking Pelagrir.
Turn 2
Priority: Evil men-Gondor-Isengard-Elves
Evil men just took another +100 from their capital automatically. The south army moved really slow while the other one passed conquering Morannon and mving outside the mountains of Mordor. Gondor was the only one to got to 300 points in treasure total. The north army wasn't able to pass the woods while the Pelagrir one moved just one spot and another army was created of 300 points. Isengard had as the elves 200 points in their treasure total. Their south army moved just one spot while the other went north taking the misty mountains. The elves moved to take East Emnet and Fangorn.
Turn 3
Priority:Isengard-Elves-Gondor-Evil Men
Isengard got +200 points and created an 300 points army at Orthanc while their armies moved throught mountains and fields towards Fangorn. Elves also got +200 points arriving 400. The elven army managed to get Fangorn while the other one moved full taking under control East Emnet and Entwash. My army of Gondor on south moved unluckily only one space while the other one passed Cair Andros and arrived near the dead marshes I also added+100 points at the Pelagrir's army but I forgot to move it. The south evil emn army really moved slow, the north one took dead marshes and attackd my gondor army. As I couldn't fight myself my brother played the evil force.
I had Faramir with ehavy armour and horse, 6 Minas tirith knights, 26 Minas tirith warriors 1o with only shields and 16 with both shields and spears along three rangers and 8 citadel guard archers.
My brother had Dark Marshal on amoured horse along 20 Easterlings, 7 Haradhrim raiders of which three ha dspears, three bows and one a banenr along 17 orcs, 11 with spears and 6 with shields.
We had agreed outside castle to play Meeting engagement. The first to be reduced to 22 models would lose.
We deployed:
Turn 1
We just moved forward expect our riders, we didn't dare to atatck with them. I had priority. My arrows killed on Easterling with shield while my brother a Minas tirith rider and a horse.
Turn 2
My brother took priority and attacked. My remaining warriors moved in an attemp to hit them from the back. As my brother didn't move his riders again I did with the hope of getting priority on the next turn.
With the arrows one Warrior of Minas tirith with spear got killed as a Haradhrim rider with bow. In the battle warriors fell equally, two Minas tirith warriors and two Easterlings all with shields.
Turn 3
I took priority. My warriors did everything they could. On the far the riders got into conflict. No archer killed anyone but in battle two orcs with spears fell while I lose three spearmen of Minas tirith. From 45 models my brother was at 39 while from 44 I was at 37.
Turn 4
My brother took priority and the conflicts didn't stopped.The Dark marshal thre two black darts killing one Minas tirith warrior with shield. Two Minas tirith warriors with spears got killed and one citadel guard archer too, just from arrows. In combat were also killed three Minas tirith warriors with shields, I rolle dawfulyl while brought good results. And I killed one Haradgrim rider and the Haradhrim with the banner.
Turn 5
The fights didn't stoppe and althought the bows didn't do anything one ranger got killed while my warriors killed another rider and an Easterling with a shield.
Turn 6
Another turn wher My brother took priority(third time in a row) and the bows did nothing. The fight were really hard with the loses of one Minas tirith warrior with spear and an orc with spear along an easterling with shield.
Turn 7
The battle ranger on with me having priority this turn. The easterling archers managed to kill a ranger. An orc with spear got killed but in return I lost a mina stirith warriors with shield. My brother had 32 warriors and so I had to kill 10 while he had 5 because my current number of miniatures was 27.
Turn 8
Last and most unfortunate turn. My brother got priority, his Easterlings archers killed two Citadel guards and in combat may I killed two easterlings and one orc with spear but he finished 4 Minas tirith warriors of mine breaking me. The game end with my evil army prevailing.
After the end of turn 8
And so here is the map by the end of turn three leaving Gondor's nothern borders unprotected.
So 1stElves-6
2nd-4th everyone else-3
And here is a map of the game created by me you may like.