Κυριακή 30 Οκτωβρίου 2011

Order on the way

Just ordered lot of paintings all kinds of glue, spray, the measures(finally!) one box of Minas tirith warriors and two of Galadhrim for our good armies...

Σάββατο 22 Οκτωβρίου 2011

There is no more darkness than them...

And so here is an idea of my evil force... This guess is hard to be made :)

Uruk-hai march from the pits!

As an evil army my brother is collecting an Uruk-hai army who will end with a mix of scouts and normal Uruk-hai warriors...

Men will always follow the light...

I am collecting an army of Gondor... I have chosen two heroes for my army... The awesome brothers Boromir and Faramir.... But I painted the forces of Gondor in my own special way... Bronze, my favourite metal. It is an army not from Minas tirith but from a village afar, used to fight orcs and evil men.

The elven heroes

As my brother is collecting an elven army for begin he got two elven heroes... Legolas and Halabarad

Neutral miniatures

So here are the minis that belongs to both me and my brother:
For the good side a big force of rangers including 20 of them along 6 Rangers of the north and a dunedain with Halbarad leading. Also some members of the fellowship along Galadriel and Glorfindel.
And here is the evil force including 23 goblins and two trolls...